
  • Take part in our photo competition 2024! (closing date 14.06)
  • We have published a new brochure: Implementation of extensive green space management for more biodiversity in the district of Tübingen: Guidelines for associations and administration  (PDF)
  • We were able to publish a new publication on insect-friendly mowing as part of the InsectMow project (PDF)
  • We have put together a new document for you: Creating species-rich habitats in urban areas. Recommendations and concepts from the Bunte Wiese Tübingen initiative for more biodiversity in public and private green spaces (PDF)
  • Together with scientists from the University of Hohenheim, third-party funding was acquired for a new research project on insect-friendly mowing.  The project homepage can be found here: InsectMow
  • The “Evolutionary Biology of Invertebrates” working group acquired funding for a research project on the variegated meadow:
    Model project for biodiversity on public green spaces - bundling previous measures and administrative structures to make the “colorful meadow concept” easy to implement for other municipalities. Project sponsor: District Office Tübingen. FKZ: 63-8872.00
  • We have put together a document for you - sharing/passing on desired!
  • Winners of the national competition „Baden-Württemberg blüht
Infostand der Bunten Wiese auf auf dem Bienentag in der Gärtnerei Jantzen
Infostand der Bunten Wiese auf auf dem Bienentag in der Gärtnerei Jantzen
Preisverleihung "BaWü blüht" vlnr: Dr. Konold (Laudator), Sanja Drohm & Mona Merkle (Bunte Wiese Tü), Hr. Hauk (Minister für Ländlichen Raum und Verbrauchersch., MdL), Hr. Messner (Stellvertreter des Landrats, 1. Landesbeamter Tü) Bild: MLR/Andreas Essig
Preisverleihung "BaWü blüht" vlnr: Dr. Konold (Laudator), Sanja Drohm & Mona Merkle (Bunte Wiese Tü), Hr. Hauk (Minister für Ländlichen Raum und Verbrauchersch., MdL), Hr. Messner (Stellvertreter des Landrats, 1. Landesbeamter Tü) Bild: MLR/Andreas Essig

Modellwiese an der Albert-Schweitzer-Gemeinde Tübingen (G. Warth)
Modellwiese an der Albert-Schweitzer-Gemeinde Tübingen (G. Warth)


Initiative Bunte Wiese


Auf der Morgenstelle 28E

Evolutionsbiologie der Invertebraten


72076 Tübingen


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